Antarctica 2020
A handful of images crossed my imagination preparing for my first trip to the frozen landscapes of Antarctica. I wanted to capture a bird or group of birds flying with the thick blue ice as a backdrop. It turned out to be one of the more challenging shots of the trip. The birds were as unpredictable as wildlife can be. I seemed to never be in the right place at the right time with the right lens. Then it happened. I was patiently waiting in my kayak for our morning group to be loaded back on the ship next to a huge glacier making its way down the mountain. A colony of cormorants nearby had been making passes around the area feeding. I tracked one as it skimmed the water close to the glacier. Looking back through editing I fell in love with this image and the little splashes of water from the cormorant’s wings clipping the water.
Limited edition fine art print of 100
Photo © copyright by Derek Nielsen